1 in 54 children have been identified with an autism spectrum disorder. A diagnosis can be overwhelming for caregivers as they navigate situations where their family will feel welcomed and accepted. At Agape, we want everyone to feel a sense of belonging and have a place where caregivers and participants can feel at peace while working towards important life skills.
Common Benefits
Horses help individuals with Autism:
- Learn the power of words and body language
- Build relationships with their horse and volunteers
- Increase safety and spacial awareness
- Receive sensory input
- Develop a willingness to try new things
- Problem solve through situations
- Become more independent
- Have a friend at the barn waiting for them!

“I am the Mom of beautiful, autistic twins! I never dreamed of how many amazing benefits they would get from riding!! First, both kids are afraid of animals. I wasn't even sure they would ride!!! Both kids got on the horses and rode from the first day!!! As time went on, they would brush the horses and pet them. They also helped lead them around. It's like the horses and kids had an unspoken language!! The horses were so patient with my kids and allowed them to learn. It also surprised me that each child's horse seemed to personify each of my kid's personalities. Ben is more laid back, talks some and is afraid of new things. He talked almost constantly to his horse while riding!!! He gained all kinds of confidence!! This transferred to his ability outside of Agape to try new things and even be around other animals. He even began reading books to the therapy dog in his class!! Annie is pretty fearless, has sensory issues, less verbal and doesn't speak up when talking. I tell you, her and her horse are two peas in a pod!!! He loves to trot and Annie was right there, a willing partner in the adventure!!! Annie learned to speak loudly to get her horse to do things. This transferred to interactions with teachers and peers at school. She learned to use her words, jump in and try and speak to be heard. She also overcame some of her fear of animals. Another amazing thing is that Annie is always very "jittery". While on the horse, she is very chilled out. That chilled out effect would last hours after riding!!! Our experience with Agape has been life changing!! We love the staff, horses and mission. Agape has our hearts and our gratitude and always will.”
Grateful Parent