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Dear Future Agape

Yesterday, we shared with you a note that our founder wrote for the time capsule reflecting on our history. Today, we share a letter that our Executive Director wrote to our future leadership, staff and volunteers that was also sealed in the time capsule. Agape’s history is rich with grit and faith. Our present is overflowing with commitment, passion and hope. And we know that our future is strong and bright. For everyone who has walked with us through this journey – Thank  you.

Again – we ask that at the very end of our 30th anniversary year that you make a gift in honor of how far we’ve come and where we are going. 

Dear fellow Agape friends and family of the future,

I see you smiling, sitting so peacefully; you are simply beautiful. You are love in action. I hope you are reading this letter, and looking at the pictures and treasures of the past in the capsule, and that you see a glimpse of the immense love that has been poured into you to bring you to this day. And that you have nothing but love and gratitude for those who came before you. If you could travel back in time and watch Agape unfold through the years, you would see…

  • Countless faces of dedicated and passionate volunteers selflessly serving riders and horses;
  • Dozens of beautiful, strong and gracious horses teaching and serving the hearts and hands that adore them;
  • Thousands of courageous people of all ages embracing the challenges in front of them by learning and growing through partnering with horses;
  • Board members praying over the present and the future, building and breathing vision into the barn through times of struggle and times of joy;
  • A team of instructors and staff who care so deeply and fight so hard day in and day out, through the sweat and through the snow, so that these riders can find their hope and ability here;
  • Thousands of supporters who give joyously, generously, and graciously because they believe in what is happening at the barn.

And through these scenes you would see and know that there have been many, many people who have prayed through fear, loved beyond measure, committed and fought through storms and tears, and believed in where you are today. Future Agape – your past is made up of courageous, passionate, and other-world-like loving people that have brought you to your present. You may not have seen the struggle but you know that we made it through.

Future Agape, I pray that you honor your past.

I pray that you are wise, patient and kind.

I pray that you are humble and constantly seeking how you can make things better for the people that are in our organization.

I pray that you are committed to being a place that brings peace, and joy, and strength.

I pray that you are aware of the many gifts and people that make the magic possible day in and day out. And I pray that you recognize and honor those gifts through gratitude and stewardship.

I pray that you are bold, yet tender and full of love for everything. That you have compassion that flows through your every movement and decision.

Future Agape, I see you, and I know that you are proud of your past for learning these lessons, for rolling up our sleeves and doing the hard work that is required; for getting into the trenches to prepare this great organization for the next chapters. Remember that we are simply the pencil in God’s hand as He writes this beautiful story of unconditional love.

Future Agape – we love you, and we are unbelievably proud that we get to become you.

Grateful for the first 30 and grateful for the next,
Amanda Bocik, Executive Director in 2016

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