Equine-Assisted Services forgroups
Here at Agape, we teach riding and horsemanship skills to meet the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive goals of everyone we serve.
Equine-Assisted Learning
Equine Assisted Learning is an experiential learning approach that promotes development of life skills for educational and personal growth through hands on work with horses. Simply put, it is learning by doing. There are unlimited opportunities to teach critical life skills by partnering with horses– trust, respect, communication, boundaries, self control, awareness, and leadership just to name a few. Participants become stronger, more confident, courageous, and independent when they build relationships with our horses.
Equine-Assisted Mental Health
Equine Assisted Mental Health is an interactive process in which a licensed mental health professional partners with an Agape equine specialist and horses to work towards meeting the clients’ therapy goals. The horses’ sensitivity to subtle changes and non judgmental feedback makes them perfect partners for therapy sessions.. Participants are able to practice the skills needed to build healthy relationships with the humans in their lives when they build healthy relationships with horses.