Agape partners with other organizations to provide meaningful workshops, camp experiences, or miniature horse visits to groups who are not able to participate weekly. Programs can be focused on character development, horse education, job skills, or simply experience healing and joy through the wonderment of horses.

Miniature Horse visits
Who wouldn’t love a visit from a cute miniature horse? Our miniature horses can travel to you and are guaranteed to bring a smile to everyone they meet! Whether the horses go to a school to teach kids about important life skills or visit senior living facilities, it will be an experience to remember!

Agape experiences
Agape Experiences are one time experiences catered to your group’s unique needs. Come spend time at the barn with us. Whether you want your group to learn about horses, have a new experience, do team building, or focus on building life skills, we can create a special program just for your group (up to 16 participants).

Leadership Development
Our leadership and team-building workshops utilize the power of the horse to generate opportunities for significant, tangible change in individual and team performance. Based on your goals, our professional staff is certified to facilitate both the activities, and evaluation and reflection sessions.