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Walk along side us as we serve our community through life-changing horse assisted experiences.

The work we do is impossible without the hundreds of volunteers we’re able to rely on each week in delivering unbridled hope to those we serve.

We have regular, weekly, volunteer opportunities that offer many different experiences. Consider joining us in our mission, and become a volunteer today! No experience necessary, just a heart to serve and the willingness to learn.

Individual Opportunities

Join a community of people that are passionate about making an impact while being in the presence of some amazing horses.

Side Walkers

Side-walkers are a vital link of communication between instructors, riders, and horses in therapeutic riding lessons. They reinforce the instructor’s directions, provide encouragement, give physical support if needed, and interact with the riders. Sidewalkers are mentors, teachers, friends, and role models to our participants. 

Horse Handlers

Horse handlers are responsible for safely leading horses and caring for their mental well-being during each lesson. Our horses have an important, and often challenging, job of carrying our riders and need individuals who can communicate clearly and respectfully. Additionally, horse handlers assist with grooming and tacking to prepare horses for the lesson.

Horse Care Volunteers

Barn work is not glamorous, but it’s important to the health of our herd. Horse care volunteers clean stalls, ensure water supplies are clean and full, muck out the pastures/lots, and assist with feeding the herd. Did we mention we often need help moving hay? Our horses go through thousands of bales of hay a year. 

Special Events Volunteers

Join the Special Events team to help with annual fundraising events. If you have a knack for event planning, soliciting  sponsorships, securing silent auction items, and contacting vendors for in-kind donations we can use your help.

Facility Volunteers

There is always work to be done at a barn to keep things looking great! Facility volunteers assist with lawn care, tending to the flower beds, dusting the cobwebs, cleaning/sanitizing tack, and much more! 

Administrative Volunteers

Want to help make copies, assemble name tags, or prepare mailings? This is great for those who are not able to help with the physically demanding volunteer roles. 


Volunteer Application

Group Opportunities

Managing active horse stables takes a lot of work. There is never a shortage of projects around the barn. Property maintenance is no small task!

Groups are welcome to come and help ensure the safety and beautification of our facilities for our riders. Tasks include, but are not limited to: maintaining flower beds, mulching, painting, moving hay, mucking out pastures, cleaning tack, dusting the cobwebs, and cleaning up our trails.

Group volunteer opportunities are great for:


University Groups

Scout Groups

Corporate Groups

Volunteer your group!

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Organization Address