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Find Your Attitude of Gratitude

Today, I am at Bradford Woods working with an awesome volunteer group.  They have done so much: sweeping the hay loft and barn, grooming the arena, and even building steps for our outdoor mounting ramp!  It’s very cold outside, but they’ve spent the day laughing and smiling and working hard.  I am so grateful that they took the time out of their busy schedules to help us out.  The work that they finished in a couple of hours would have taken us much longer!  It is so inspiring to be surrounded by such great and giving people!

As we dive into this holiday season, I challenge you to think back over the past year and your involvement with Agape.  Find that moment that you are most grateful for (I know it’s hard because there are so many!).  For me, it was having the opportunity to watch a man in hospice care ride a horse for the last time.  It was so awesome to be a part of this gift to him and his family, as well as, see Little Foot react and respond so lovingly and compassionately to such a physically and emotionally frail being.  Our amazing herd has given us so much to be grateful for this year.  As this very busy holiday season begins, take a moment or two and tell us how Agape has touched your heart this year.

Comment below and tell us what you are grateful for, and also, be sure to sign our Attitude of Gratitude Board at our Cicero location!

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