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Happy Retirement Bo and Buzz!

Bo and Buzz are two horses that seem like they’ve been around Agape for a lifetime. They are deeply loved, steady, reliable, and have brought joy to so many in their time with Agape. But both horses are aging and showing us signs that they are ready for a happy retirement.

Bo is 25 this year, and Buzz is somewhere around 30. Such kind horses that have served us with such strength and grace as Bo and Buzz deserve a relaxing retirement and a big send-off from all of us.

One of the greatest joys we get from working with horses is the bond we build with our special equine. We look forward to spending time with them, sharing our success and even our shortfalls. They are patient and do not judge. This is what gives us the time to process and move through so many moments in life, and it is a great gift that our horses can give us. Bo and Buzz are no different. In fact, they have done this for a greater share of riders, volunteers, and staff than many have in our herds today. This is both because they have served long, but also because they have served many. Bo joined Agape in 2016 and has been bringing joy to those around him for five years. Buzz joined in 2017 and has served four years.

When we think of Bo and Buzz, we think of friendship, kindness, patience, growth, and joy.

They were particularly wonderful at lending us their friendship and patience, and it brought out the best in all of us in the forms of kindness, growth, and joy. Are there special words or memories that you think of when you reflect on your time with Bo and Buzz?

These two kind geldings wrapped up their last week of classes last week. As August begins, Bo will head off to join another Agape retiree and Buzz will return to his previous owner. Both have wonderful homes welcoming them once they clip-clop away from Agape one last time.

Bo and Buzz, thank you for all you have done for us! It has been a pleasure serving alongside both of you!

Please join us in celebrating Bo and Buzz!

The barn has been filled with memories, cards, and pictures this week. If you have a special memory to share, please comment here or on social media.

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