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Introducing the Pint-sized Dynamic Duo | Thomas & Jitterbug

His physical therapist noticed it right away. “He has much more hip strength,” she said.

Meet Thomas. You might first notice his tiny walker, complete with Hawaiian license plate, but you’ll quickly see his smile. You just can’t help but smile when he smiles, or laugh when he laughs. He is a tiny ray of sunshine and at four years old, one of our youngest riders.

He’s also one of our newest riders. His mom, Mary Kate, drives him from Lafayette each week for his lesson, a trip she says she’s glad to make.

“I see him using his legs in new ways, and he definitely feels special that he gets to ride.”

“He also gets the perfect amount of rest and growth here at Agape. He needs that to thrive. For rest, people like volunteers who will love on him who he just wins over in a heartbeat, where he can really do no wrong. But also to combine that with instructors who will challenge him to push his boundaries and provide some tough love.”

It’s a combination we’re honored to provide Thomas each week. Jitterbug may be a pony and Thomas may be our tiniest rider, but together they are making giant strides and leaving a huge impact on our hearts. They are a winning dynamic duo and they show no signs of slowing down!

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